Yapper - Instructions

If you're reading this you're one of the people I've asked to help me test this app, and I love you ❤️

WTF is Yapper

This is an app to learn languages by having conversations, it is meant for people that have some proficiency in the language but aren't super comfortable having conversations IRL.

How is this different than Duolingo?

This is an app you would use after Duolingo, once you have some basic vocabulary and phrases under your belt. The key principles:

  1. Immersion is the best way to learn because it forces you to speak. Therefore we'll focus on speaking.
  2. You don't need to speak perfectly - you need to get the point across. This is why corrections are passive on the app and do not disrupt the flow of conversation.
  3. Conversations should closely ressemble ones you expect to have IRL

How it works:

1. You select a conversation to practice, this ranges from small talk to more advanced topics

2. Hold the button to record. The AI then corrects you passively (without interrupting the conversation) and continues speaking with you

3. When the conversation is over, you can re-visit the whole transcript, which includes the corrections and key words


By now you should have received an invitation to the TestFlight. If you haven't used TestFlight before, TLDR is that it's Apple's way of testing on iPhone before you publish to the App Store. It's very easy to set up, you pretty much just download the app

What I'm looking for

  1. Use the app for a week or two, tell me if you're feeling compelled to go back to it
  2. Tell me if the UX sucks and if something isn't obvious
  3. If the conversations are weird or you have suggestions for different ones, I'd LOVE to hear them!

And please be as critical as possible, you won't hurt my feelings 😄